トップ > すべての商品 > DVD イナヤン・エスクリマ / Inayan Kadena De Mano Vol.1
Kadena De Mano(カデナ・デ・マノ)とは近接格闘を差し、流派、イナヤンエスクリマシステムの基本紹介DVDです。ナイフ対ナイフ、ナイフ対素手、打撃対打撃という3つのテーマに対して、それでれ練習方法を解説します。基本編とは一部重複がありますが、流れる動きと中国武術の推手のような吸い付くドリルもあります。イナヤンエスクリマの創始者である、マイク・イネイ師が、直接解説した貴重な物です。Inayan Kadena-de-Mano Eskrima is a filipino knife to knife, hand to hand and hand to knife style of Eskrima. Utilizing blocks, checks, traps, parries, ellbowchecks, ellbowparries, and strikes as well as "lock-flows" grappling drills. In a fast exchange of move and countermove, this style of Eskrima is an exciting and positive martial art to experience and practice. In this DVD, basic punching, parrying and blocking techniques will be shown as well as some Kadena-de- Mano hand to hand, knife to hand and knife to knife drills. Also the Kadena-de-Mano Lock Flow Drill Number 1 is demonstrated.Mangisursuro Mike Inayhas been practising and teaching the Filipino Martial Art of Eskrima for over 30 years. He learned Eskrima from two legendary teachers, the late Grand Master Max Sarmiento and the late Grand Master Angel Cabales. Suro Inay trained privately (one to one) with GM Sarmiento from late 1965 until GM SarmientoŽs death in the mid-eighties. Suro Inay also trained privately (one to one) with GM Cabales from late 1965 until early 1977. Suro Mike Inay developed a knife defense program for law enforcement in the U.S.A. and has appeared on the Law Enforcement Training Network (L.E.T.N). Mr. Inay has travelled worldwide and throughout the U.S. and has many notable high ranking martial artists train under him or attend his seminars.
インストラクター:Mike Inay収録時間:65分音声:英語字幕:なし制作:1995年
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