トップ > 武術教則DVD / Video > ナイフ術 > DVD エッジド ウェポンズ
Taught by Sgt. Jim Wagner, creator of the Reality Based Personal Protection system, a police officer with over 13 years experience in SWAT, Corrections, Special Forces, and the Military. He has taught 100s of police courses world wide, including Brazil, Argentina, Israel, and for the FBI and CIA. This DVD will teach you, step by step, everything you ever wanted to know about combat with a knife, and other edged weapons. The only way you're going to know how to defend against these grizzly weapons is to become an expert yourself, and that's what you will learn in this DVD. You will learn the 12 angles of attack and how to counter them, speed and reaction drills, prison yard methods, and more important, transition to your sidearm during a surprise knife attack. You'll learn how to safely search suspects for all types of edged weapons so you don't end up 'SHANKED' on the streets or in jail.
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